ADi celebrates its 6th Employee Appreciation Day

ADi celebrates its 6th Employee Appreciation Day

Last February 14, ADi celebrated its 6th Employee Appreciation Day. In light of a stronger partnership with Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), ADi & ARMSS employees were able to enjoy getting their loyalty cards and having their HDMF concerns addressed at the kiosk that was set up in the Back Office as a nod to the special occasion with the hashtag, #ButiPaPagIbigLoyal. All employees were also given donuts as an appreciation of their invaluable contributions at work.

The annual EAD is a celebration of the heart and good effort that our employees put into their work, serving as a reminder that our business wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for them.

Once again, ADi, on behalf of ARMSS, would like to extend our gratitude to our dedicated, hardworking, and loyal staff. Your success is our success. Thank you very much, ADi & ARMSS Fam! Till our next EAD!